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ASPAC Network


NOV 3-7, 2020 - NTSEC, TAIWAN


Responding to the call to have more collaborative projects, we shall have a  Masterclass for Emerging Leaders (AMEL). It will be held on Nov 3-7, 2020 and hosted by NTSEC, Taiwan.

The course outline with description for each day is below:

Day 1 Leadership Experiences: Interactive Dialogues with ASPAC Leaders

Participants will hear and interact with 3-5 ASPAC leaders to hear from experienced leaders themselves the joys and tribulations of being a leader. Identified ASPAC speakers will submit a topic of their choice that integrates many concepts of leadership and cites their own experience in leading which will include successes and especially failures.

Suggested Reading Lists will be submitted by the ASPAC leaders so that participants can do their reading before the masterclass.

Day 2 Leadership Pillars: Workshops Conducted by Experts in the Field

This day will be divided among 4-5 speakers we can source within ASPAC or experts outside ASPAC who will each conduct a workshop on the following but not limited specific topics that are essential to leading science centers:

  • Strategic Thinking (fundraising /resource collaboration/partnerships)

  • Creativity (multidisciplinary thinking)

  • Design Thinking/Systems Thinking

  • Collaboration on Global Issues

Day 3 “Hands-on” Leadership: The Emerging Leaders take on Challenges

This will be a whole day workshop where participants will be grouped. Each group will draw lots from a pool of scenarios that have hypothetical cases of science centers with specific challenges. Participants will be asked to come up with a plan to respond to the challenge. Each group will present and will be evaluated by a group of “judges”. This will be conducted by a facilitator.

Day 4-5 Forest Nocturne

Participants will spend overnight having a bonding experience with fellow emerging leaders, guides and best of all, nature!

We would like to request you to send 1 of the "emerging leaders" from your institutions. You may have several but this is just our first AMEL. We aim to have more.

Your Exco members are now currently working out the speakers and other logistics for AMEL but we welcome any suggested speakers (and contact details) from you on the topics above.

Stay tuned for our next update which will include registration dates and fees for the AMEL.

Thank you and have a wonderful week ahead!


© 2022 by ASPAC (Asia Pacific Network of Science & Technology Centres).

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