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Maribel Garcia

APPLY for a Fellowship Grant for the ASPAC Annual Conference in Bursa

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

APPLICATION FOR AN ASPAC FELLOWSHIP GRANT (2022) This fellowship application is for those who want to physically attend the Annual Conference in Bursa this year. If approved by the ASPAC Fellowship Awards Group as a "Fellow":

  • S/he will receive $1000 that s/he can use for her/his expenses related to the conference (travel, accommodations and other expenses related to the annual conference.)

  • S/he will also be REQUIRED to present in a parallel session.

The application form (attached) must be signed by the CEO/Director of the ASPAC member institution (member should be of good standing) where the applicant works. Deadline to submit applications is June 28, 2022 (your time zone). Please send your applications to: Announcement of ASPAC Fellows will be by July 18, 2022.

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