International Science Drama Competition 2022
The International Science Drama Competition is an annual event that encourages participants to marry their passion for science with acting. This competition is open to teams entered by the Asia Pacific Network of Science and Technology Centres (ASPAC) member countries. It is an excellent platform for participants to display their talents and compete on an international stage and is surely an opportunity that is not to be missed.
This year, we are pleased to continue with the “Short Films Category” on top of the existing Junior and Open Categories. This category was introduced in 2021. Similar to last year, this category will be open to everyone where participants can portray their flair in filming and video editing in line with the theme.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the competition will be held online through video submissions. There will not be a physical competition.
In line with the United Nations declaration that 2022 is the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture, the theme for this year is “Our Seas and Oceans for the Future.”
Examples of possible topics include but are not limited to the following
Protecting the environment and biodiversity
Sustainable aquaculture
Food security
Preventing overfishing
27 August
Online via Zoom
Host: The Mind Museum
All performances and short films should be in the form of a short skit not exceeding 7 minutes.
All performances and short films should be based on the theme of “Our Seas and Oceans for the Future” commemorating 2022 as the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture.
The performance should combine scientific content and drama.
Examples of some possible topics include but are not limited to the following:
Ocean Conservation
Artisanal Fisheries (Small-scale and traditional fishing)
Preservation of Ecosystems
Sustainable Fishing and Food System
Competition Rules
Each country can only nominate ONE grand finalist per category.
Each team must comprise a maximum of 15 participants, including a backstage crew for Junior and Open Categories and video editors for the Short Film Category. Kindly note that the backstage crew can only assist to place props, control audio and video set-ups, and help cast members backstage and should not be involved in the skit as cast members; teachers or adults can assist as backstage crew and video editors
All entries for all categories should be submitted via video submission. Teams will be judged based on their video entries for this year’s competition; there will be no live rehearsals or live performance for the Grand finals.
Performances and short films may be in the language of choice BUT English subtitles should be set in the video submission.
All video entries should not exceed 7 minutes. A penalty will be imposed for performances exceeding 7 minutes. The required credit roll at the end of the video submission is not included in this 7-minute limit.
All non-original sources for storyline, music and other media must be properly credited and acknowledged.
If participants are representing a school or organisation, all participants in the team must be current students or members of the school or organisation.
Should a school or organisation decide to register more than 1 team in the same category, there should be no repetition of team members across teams; the same team members can, however, participate across categories, e.g. Member A can take part in Junior Category and Short Films Category
Should a team participate in more than one category, the same storyline cannot be repeated.